reconnected basic projects directus CRUD (no auth)

This commit is contained in:
Samuel Andert 2023-07-10 17:52:26 +02:00
parent d8a335c001
commit c2f71d2efc
2 changed files with 44 additions and 472 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
"""ISO8601 Date values"""
scalar Date
enum EventEnum {
"""A Float or a String"""
scalar GraphQLStringOrFloat
"""Hashed string values"""
scalar Hash
The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by [ECMA-404](
@ -15,8 +18,6 @@ scalar JSON
type Mutation {
create_Projects_item(data: create_Projects_input!): Projects
create_Projects_items(data: [create_Projects_input!], filter: Projects_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [Projects!]!
create_todos_item(data: create_todos_input!): todos
create_todos_items(data: [create_todos_input!], filter: todos_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [todos!]!
delete_Projects_item(id: ID!): delete_one
delete_Projects_items(ids: [ID]!): delete_many
update_Projects_batch(data: [update_Projects_input!], filter: Projects_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [Projects!]!
@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ type Projects {
favorite: Boolean
id: ID!
name: String
sort: Int
status: String
user_created: String
user_updated: String
@ -55,12 +58,14 @@ type Projects_aggregated_count {
favorite: Int
id: Int
name: Int
sort: Int
status: Int
user_created: Int
user_updated: Int
type Projects_aggregated_fields {
id: Float
sort: Float
input Projects_filter {
@ -71,225 +76,28 @@ input Projects_filter {
date_updated: date_filter_operators
date_updated_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
favorite: boolean_filter_operators
id: number_filter_operators
id: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
sort: number_filter_operators
status: string_filter_operators
user_created: string_filter_operators
user_updated: string_filter_operators
type Projects_mutated {
data: Projects
event: EventEnum
key: ID!
type Query {
Projects(filter: Projects_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [Projects!]!
Projects_aggregated(filter: Projects_filter, groupBy: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [Projects_aggregated!]!
Projects_by_id(id: ID!): Projects
apps(filter: apps_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps!]!
apps_aggregated(filter: apps_filter, groupBy: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_aggregated!]!
apps_by_id(id: ID!): apps
apps_ora_components(filter: apps_ora_components_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_ora_components!]!
apps_ora_components_aggregated(filter: apps_ora_components_filter, groupBy: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_ora_components_aggregated!]!
apps_ora_components_by_id(id: ID!): apps_ora_components
apps_todos(filter: apps_todos_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_todos!]!
apps_todos_aggregated(filter: apps_todos_filter, groupBy: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_todos_aggregated!]!
apps_todos_by_id(id: ID!): apps_todos
apps_views(filter: apps_views_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_views!]!
apps_views_aggregated(filter: apps_views_filter, groupBy: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_views_aggregated!]!
apps_views_by_id(id: ID!): apps_views
ora_components(filter: ora_components_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [ora_components!]!
ora_components_aggregated(filter: ora_components_filter, groupBy: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [ora_components_aggregated!]!
ora_components_by_id(id: ID!): ora_components
ora_components_code(filter: ora_components_code_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [ora_components_code!]!
ora_components_code_aggregated(filter: ora_components_code_filter, groupBy: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [ora_components_code_aggregated!]!
ora_components_code_by_id(id: ID!): ora_components_code
todos(filter: todos_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [todos!]!
todos_aggregated(filter: todos_filter, groupBy: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [todos_aggregated!]!
todos_by_id(id: ID!): todos
views(filter: views_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [views!]!
views_aggregated(filter: views_filter, groupBy: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [views_aggregated!]!
views_by_id(id: ID!): views
views_collections(filter: views_collections_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [views_collections!]!
views_collections_aggregated(filter: views_collections_filter, groupBy: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [views_collections_aggregated!]!
views_collections_by_id(id: ID!): views_collections
type apps {
components(filter: apps_ora_components_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_ora_components]
components_func: count_functions
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
date_updated: Date
date_updated_func: datetime_functions
id: ID!
image: String
name: String
sort: Int
todos(filter: apps_todos_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_todos]
todos_func: count_functions
user_created: String
user_updated: String
views(filter: apps_views_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_views]
views_func: count_functions
type apps_aggregated {
avg: apps_aggregated_fields
avgDistinct: apps_aggregated_fields
count: apps_aggregated_count
countAll: Int
countDistinct: apps_aggregated_count
group: JSON
max: apps_aggregated_fields
min: apps_aggregated_fields
sum: apps_aggregated_fields
sumDistinct: apps_aggregated_fields
type apps_aggregated_count {
components: Int
date_created: Int
date_updated: Int
id: Int
image: Int
name: Int
sort: Int
todos: Int
user_created: Int
user_updated: Int
views: Int
type apps_aggregated_fields {
sort: Float
input apps_filter {
_and: [apps_filter]
_or: [apps_filter]
components: apps_ora_components_filter
components_func: count_function_filter_operators
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
date_updated: date_filter_operators
date_updated_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
id: string_filter_operators
image: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
sort: number_filter_operators
todos: apps_todos_filter
todos_func: count_function_filter_operators
user_created: string_filter_operators
user_updated: string_filter_operators
views: apps_views_filter
views_func: count_function_filter_operators
type apps_ora_components {
apps_id(filter: apps_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): apps
id: ID!
ora_components_id(filter: ora_components_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): ora_components
type apps_ora_components_aggregated {
avg: apps_ora_components_aggregated_fields
avgDistinct: apps_ora_components_aggregated_fields
count: apps_ora_components_aggregated_count
countAll: Int
countDistinct: apps_ora_components_aggregated_count
group: JSON
max: apps_ora_components_aggregated_fields
min: apps_ora_components_aggregated_fields
sum: apps_ora_components_aggregated_fields
sumDistinct: apps_ora_components_aggregated_fields
type apps_ora_components_aggregated_count {
apps_id: Int
id: Int
ora_components_id: Int
type apps_ora_components_aggregated_fields {
id: Float
input apps_ora_components_filter {
_and: [apps_ora_components_filter]
_or: [apps_ora_components_filter]
apps_id: apps_filter
id: number_filter_operators
ora_components_id: ora_components_filter
type apps_todos {
apps_id(filter: apps_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): apps
id: ID!
todos_id(filter: todos_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): todos
type apps_todos_aggregated {
avg: apps_todos_aggregated_fields
avgDistinct: apps_todos_aggregated_fields
count: apps_todos_aggregated_count
countAll: Int
countDistinct: apps_todos_aggregated_count
group: JSON
max: apps_todos_aggregated_fields
min: apps_todos_aggregated_fields
sum: apps_todos_aggregated_fields
sumDistinct: apps_todos_aggregated_fields
type apps_todos_aggregated_count {
apps_id: Int
id: Int
todos_id: Int
type apps_todos_aggregated_fields {
id: Float
input apps_todos_filter {
_and: [apps_todos_filter]
_or: [apps_todos_filter]
apps_id: apps_filter
id: number_filter_operators
todos_id: todos_filter
type apps_views {
apps_id(filter: apps_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): apps
id: ID!
views_id(filter: views_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): views
type apps_views_aggregated {
avg: apps_views_aggregated_fields
avgDistinct: apps_views_aggregated_fields
count: apps_views_aggregated_count
countAll: Int
countDistinct: apps_views_aggregated_count
group: JSON
max: apps_views_aggregated_fields
min: apps_views_aggregated_fields
sum: apps_views_aggregated_fields
sumDistinct: apps_views_aggregated_fields
type apps_views_aggregated_count {
apps_id: Int
id: Int
views_id: Int
type apps_views_aggregated_fields {
id: Float
input apps_views_filter {
_and: [apps_views_filter]
_or: [apps_views_filter]
apps_id: apps_filter
id: number_filter_operators
views_id: views_filter
type Subscription {
Projects_mutated(event: EventEnum): Projects_mutated
input boolean_filter_operators {
@ -299,43 +107,16 @@ input boolean_filter_operators {
_null: Boolean
input count_function_filter_operators {
count: number_filter_operators
type count_functions {
count: Int
input create_Projects_input {
date_created: Date
date_updated: Date
favorite: Boolean
id: ID
name: String
user_created: create_directus_users_input
user_updated: create_directus_users_input
input create_directus_users_input {
avatar: String
description: String
email: String
first_name: String
last_name: String
location: String
password: Hash
role: String
title: String
input create_todos_input {
date_created: Date
date_updated: Date
id: ID
name: String
user_created: create_directus_users_input
user_updated: create_directus_users_input
sort: Int
status: String
user_created: String
user_updated: String
input date_filter_operators {
@ -398,245 +179,36 @@ input number_filter_operators {
_null: Boolean
type ora_components {
apps(filter: apps_ora_components_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [apps_ora_components]
apps_func: count_functions
code: String
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
date_updated: Date
date_updated_func: datetime_functions
id: ID!
name: String!
svelte: String
user_created: String
user_updated: String
type ora_components_aggregated {
count: ora_components_aggregated_count
countAll: Int
countDistinct: ora_components_aggregated_count
group: JSON
type ora_components_aggregated_count {
apps: Int
code: Int
date_created: Int
date_updated: Int
id: Int
name: Int
svelte: Int
user_created: Int
user_updated: Int
type ora_components_code {
collection: String
id: ID!
item: ora_components_code_item_union
ora_components_id(filter: ora_components_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): ora_components
type ora_components_code_aggregated {
avg: ora_components_code_aggregated_fields
avgDistinct: ora_components_code_aggregated_fields
count: ora_components_code_aggregated_count
countAll: Int
countDistinct: ora_components_code_aggregated_count
group: JSON
max: ora_components_code_aggregated_fields
min: ora_components_code_aggregated_fields
sum: ora_components_code_aggregated_fields
sumDistinct: ora_components_code_aggregated_fields
type ora_components_code_aggregated_count {
collection: Int
id: Int
item: Int
ora_components_id: Int
type ora_components_code_aggregated_fields {
id: Float
input ora_components_code_filter {
_and: [ora_components_code_filter]
_or: [ora_components_code_filter]
collection: string_filter_operators
id: number_filter_operators
item__ora_components: ora_components_filter
ora_components_id: ora_components_filter
union ora_components_code_item_union = ora_components
input ora_components_filter {
_and: [ora_components_filter]
_or: [ora_components_filter]
apps: apps_ora_components_filter
apps_func: count_function_filter_operators
code: string_filter_operators
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
date_updated: date_filter_operators
date_updated_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
id: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
svelte: string_filter_operators
user_created: string_filter_operators
user_updated: string_filter_operators
input string_filter_operators {
_contains: String
_empty: Boolean
_ends_with: String
_eq: String
_icontains: String
_iends_with: String
_in: [String]
_istarts_with: String
_ncontains: String
_nempty: Boolean
_nends_with: String
_neq: String
_niends_with: String
_nin: [String]
_nistarts_with: String
_nnull: Boolean
_nstarts_with: String
_null: Boolean
_starts_with: String
type todos {
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
date_updated: Date
date_updated_func: datetime_functions
id: ID!
name: String
user_created: String
user_updated: String
type todos_aggregated {
count: todos_aggregated_count
countAll: Int
countDistinct: todos_aggregated_count
group: JSON
type todos_aggregated_count {
date_created: Int
date_updated: Int
id: Int
name: Int
user_created: Int
user_updated: Int
input todos_filter {
_and: [todos_filter]
_or: [todos_filter]
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
date_updated: date_filter_operators
date_updated_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
id: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
user_created: string_filter_operators
user_updated: string_filter_operators
input update_Projects_input {
date_created: Date
date_updated: Date
favorite: Boolean
id: ID
name: String
sort: Int
status: String
user_created: String
user_updated: String
type views {
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
date_updated: Date
date_updated_func: datetime_functions
id: ID!
name: String
user_created: String
user_updated: String
type views_aggregated {
count: views_aggregated_count
countAll: Int
countDistinct: views_aggregated_count
group: JSON
type views_aggregated_count {
date_created: Int
date_updated: Int
id: Int
name: Int
user_created: Int
user_updated: Int
type views_collections {
collection: String
id: ID!
item: views_collections_item_union
views_id(filter: views_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): views
type views_collections_aggregated {
avg: views_collections_aggregated_fields
avgDistinct: views_collections_aggregated_fields
count: views_collections_aggregated_count
countAll: Int
countDistinct: views_collections_aggregated_count
group: JSON
max: views_collections_aggregated_fields
min: views_collections_aggregated_fields
sum: views_collections_aggregated_fields
sumDistinct: views_collections_aggregated_fields
type views_collections_aggregated_count {
collection: Int
id: Int
item: Int
views_id: Int
type views_collections_aggregated_fields {
id: Float
input views_collections_filter {
_and: [views_collections_filter]
_or: [views_collections_filter]
collection: string_filter_operators
id: number_filter_operators
item__todos: todos_filter
views_id: views_filter
union views_collections_item_union = todos
input views_filter {
_and: [views_filter]
_or: [views_filter]
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
date_updated: date_filter_operators
date_updated_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
id: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
user_created: string_filter_operators
user_updated: string_filter_operators

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
query Projects($id: ID! = 7) {
Projects_by_id(id: $id) {
Projects {
query Projects($id: ID! = "734932fb-1675-4c5b-9c4b-5dbc0c4a6265") {
Projects_by_id(id: $id) {
Projects {