2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
type Query {
projects(filter: projects_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): [projects!]!
projects_by_id(id: ID!): projects
projects_aggregated(groupBy: [String], filter: projects_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [projects_aggregated!]!
2023-09-06 20:01:39 +02:00
bookmarks(filter: bookmarks_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): [bookmarks!]!
bookmarks_by_id(id: ID!): bookmarks
bookmarks_aggregated(groupBy: [String], filter: bookmarks_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [bookmarks_aggregated!]!
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
todos(filter: todos_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): [todos!]!
todos_by_id(id: ID!): todos
todos_aggregated(groupBy: [String], filter: todos_filter, limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, sort: [String]): [todos_aggregated!]!
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
type Mutation {
create_projects_items(filter: projects_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, data: [create_projects_input!]): [projects!]!
create_projects_item(data: create_projects_input!): projects
2023-09-06 20:01:39 +02:00
create_bookmarks_items(filter: bookmarks_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, data: [create_bookmarks_input!]): [bookmarks!]!
create_bookmarks_item(data: create_bookmarks_input!): bookmarks
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
create_todos_items(filter: todos_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, data: [create_todos_input!]): [todos!]!
create_todos_item(data: create_todos_input!): todos
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
update_projects_items(filter: projects_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, ids: [ID]!, data: update_projects_input!): [projects!]!
update_projects_batch(filter: projects_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, data: [update_projects_input!]): [projects!]!
update_projects_item(id: ID!, data: update_projects_input!): projects
2023-09-06 20:01:39 +02:00
update_bookmarks_items(filter: bookmarks_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, ids: [ID]!, data: update_bookmarks_input!): [bookmarks!]!
update_bookmarks_batch(filter: bookmarks_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, data: [update_bookmarks_input!]): [bookmarks!]!
update_bookmarks_item(id: ID!, data: update_bookmarks_input!): bookmarks
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
update_todos_items(filter: todos_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, ids: [ID]!, data: update_todos_input!): [todos!]!
update_todos_batch(filter: todos_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String, data: [update_todos_input!]): [todos!]!
update_todos_item(id: ID!, data: update_todos_input!): todos
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
delete_projects_items(ids: [ID]!): delete_many
delete_projects_item(id: ID!): delete_one
2023-09-06 20:01:39 +02:00
delete_bookmarks_items(ids: [ID]!): delete_many
delete_bookmarks_item(id: ID!): delete_one
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
delete_todos_items(ids: [ID]!): delete_many
delete_todos_item(id: ID!): delete_one
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
type Subscription {
projects_mutated(event: EventEnum): projects_mutated
directus_dashboards_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_dashboards_mutated
directus_activity_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_activity_mutated
directus_notifications_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_notifications_mutated
directus_flows_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_flows_mutated
directus_folders_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_folders_mutated
directus_files_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_files_mutated
directus_panels_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_panels_mutated
directus_roles_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_roles_mutated
directus_presets_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_presets_mutated
directus_revisions_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_revisions_mutated
directus_settings_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_settings_mutated
directus_operations_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_operations_mutated
directus_permissions_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_permissions_mutated
directus_translations_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_translations_mutated
directus_users_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_users_mutated
directus_shares_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_shares_mutated
directus_webhooks_mutated(event: EventEnum): directus_webhooks_mutated
2023-09-06 20:01:39 +02:00
bookmarks_mutated(event: EventEnum): bookmarks_mutated
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
todos_mutated(event: EventEnum): todos_mutated
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
"""The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`."""
scalar Boolean
"""ISO8601 Date values"""
scalar Date
The `Float` scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by [IEEE 754](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point).
scalar Float
"""BigInt value"""
scalar GraphQLBigInt
"""A Float or a String"""
scalar GraphQLStringOrFloat
"""Hashed string values"""
scalar Hash
The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as `"4"`) or integer (such as `4`) input value will be accepted as an ID.
scalar ID
The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.
scalar Int
The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf).
scalar JSON
The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
scalar String
enum EventEnum {
2023-09-06 20:01:39 +02:00
type bookmarks {
id: ID!
status: String
sort: Int
user_created(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
user_updated(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
date_updated: Date
date_updated_func: datetime_functions
url: String
name: String
tags: JSON
tags_func: count_functions
type bookmarks_aggregated {
group: JSON
countAll: Int
count: bookmarks_aggregated_count
countDistinct: bookmarks_aggregated_count
avg: bookmarks_aggregated_fields
sum: bookmarks_aggregated_fields
avgDistinct: bookmarks_aggregated_fields
sumDistinct: bookmarks_aggregated_fields
min: bookmarks_aggregated_fields
max: bookmarks_aggregated_fields
type bookmarks_aggregated_count {
id: Int
status: Int
sort: Int
user_created: Int
date_created: Int
user_updated: Int
date_updated: Int
url: Int
name: Int
tags: Int
type bookmarks_aggregated_fields {
sort: Float
type bookmarks_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: bookmarks
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
type count_functions {
count: Int
type datetime_functions {
year: Int
month: Int
week: Int
day: Int
weekday: Int
hour: Int
minute: Int
second: Int
type delete_many {
ids: [ID]!
type delete_one {
id: ID!
type directus_activity {
id: ID!
action: String!
user(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
timestamp: Date
timestamp_func: datetime_functions
ip: String
user_agent: String
collection: String!
item: String!
comment: String
origin: String
revisions(filter: directus_revisions_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): [directus_revisions]
revisions_func: count_functions
type directus_activity_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_activity
type directus_dashboards {
id: ID!
name: String!
icon: String
note: String
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
user_created(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
color: String
panels(filter: directus_panels_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): [directus_panels]
panels_func: count_functions
type directus_dashboards_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_dashboards
type directus_files {
id: ID!
storage: String!
filename_disk: String
filename_download: String!
title: String
type: String
folder(filter: directus_folders_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_folders
uploaded_by(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
uploaded_on: Date
uploaded_on_func: datetime_functions
modified_by(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
modified_on: Date
modified_on_func: datetime_functions
charset: String
filesize: GraphQLBigInt
width: Int
height: Int
duration: Int
embed: String
description: String
location: String
tags: JSON
tags_func: count_functions
metadata: JSON
metadata_func: count_functions
type directus_files_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_files
type directus_flows {
id: ID!
name: String!
icon: String
color: String
description: String
status: String
trigger: String
accountability: String
options: JSON
options_func: count_functions
operation(filter: directus_operations_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_operations
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
user_created(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
operations(filter: directus_operations_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): [directus_operations]
operations_func: count_functions
type directus_flows_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_flows
type directus_folders {
id: ID!
name: String!
parent(filter: directus_folders_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_folders
type directus_folders_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_folders
type directus_notifications {
id: ID!
timestamp: Date
timestamp_func: datetime_functions
status: String
recipient(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
sender(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
subject: String!
message: String
collection: String
item: String
type directus_notifications_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_notifications
type directus_operations {
id: ID!
name: String
key: String!
type: String!
position_x: Int!
position_y: Int!
options: JSON
options_func: count_functions
resolve(filter: directus_operations_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_operations
reject(filter: directus_operations_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_operations
flow(filter: directus_flows_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_flows
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
user_created(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
type directus_operations_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_operations
type directus_panels {
id: ID!
dashboard(filter: directus_dashboards_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_dashboards
name: String
icon: String
color: String
show_header: Boolean!
note: String
type: String!
position_x: Int!
position_y: Int!
width: Int!
height: Int!
options: JSON
options_func: count_functions
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
user_created(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
type directus_panels_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_panels
type directus_permissions {
id: ID!
role(filter: directus_roles_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_roles
collection: String!
action: String!
permissions: JSON
permissions_func: count_functions
validation: JSON
validation_func: count_functions
presets: JSON
presets_func: count_functions
fields: [String]
type directus_permissions_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_permissions
type directus_presets {
id: ID!
bookmark: String
user(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
role(filter: directus_roles_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_roles
collection: String
search: String
layout: String
layout_query: JSON
layout_query_func: count_functions
layout_options: JSON
layout_options_func: count_functions
refresh_interval: Int
filter: JSON
filter_func: count_functions
icon: String
color: String
type directus_presets_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_presets
type directus_revisions {
id: ID!
activity(filter: directus_activity_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_activity
collection: String!
item: String!
data: JSON
data_func: count_functions
delta: JSON
delta_func: count_functions
parent(filter: directus_revisions_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_revisions
type directus_revisions_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_revisions
type directus_roles {
id: ID!
name: String!
icon: String
description: String
ip_access: [String]
enforce_tfa: Boolean!
admin_access: Boolean!
app_access: Boolean
users(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): [directus_users]
users_func: count_functions
type directus_roles_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_roles
type directus_settings {
id: ID!
project_name: String
project_url: String
project_color: String
project_logo(filter: directus_files_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_files
public_foreground(filter: directus_files_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_files
public_background(filter: directus_files_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_files
public_note: String
auth_login_attempts: Int
auth_password_policy: String
storage_asset_transform: String
storage_asset_presets: JSON
storage_asset_presets_func: count_functions
custom_css: String
storage_default_folder(filter: directus_folders_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_folders
basemaps: JSON
basemaps_func: count_functions
mapbox_key: String
module_bar: JSON
module_bar_func: count_functions
project_descriptor: String
default_language: String
custom_aspect_ratios: JSON
custom_aspect_ratios_func: count_functions
type directus_settings_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_settings
type directus_shares {
id: ID!
name: String
collection: String!
item: String!
role(filter: directus_roles_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_roles
password: Hash
user_created(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
date_start: Date
date_start_func: datetime_functions
date_end: Date
date_end_func: datetime_functions
times_used: Int
max_uses: Int
type directus_shares_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_shares
type directus_translations {
id: ID!
language: String!
key: String!
value: String!
type directus_translations_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_translations
type directus_users {
id: ID!
first_name: String
last_name: String
email: String
password: Hash
location: String
title: String
description: String
tags: JSON
tags_func: count_functions
avatar(filter: directus_files_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_files
language: String
theme: String
tfa_secret: Hash
status: String
role(filter: directus_roles_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_roles
token: Hash
last_access: Date
last_access_func: datetime_functions
last_page: String
provider: String
external_identifier: String
auth_data: JSON
auth_data_func: count_functions
email_notifications: Boolean
type directus_users_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_users
type directus_webhooks {
id: ID!
name: String!
method: String
url: String!
status: String
data: Boolean
actions: [String]!
collections: [String]!
headers: JSON
headers_func: count_functions
type directus_webhooks_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: directus_webhooks
type projects {
id: ID!
sort: Int
user_created(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
user_updated(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
date_updated: Date
date_updated_func: datetime_functions
text: String
type projects_aggregated {
group: JSON
countAll: Int
count: projects_aggregated_count
countDistinct: projects_aggregated_count
avg: projects_aggregated_fields
sum: projects_aggregated_fields
avgDistinct: projects_aggregated_fields
sumDistinct: projects_aggregated_fields
min: projects_aggregated_fields
max: projects_aggregated_fields
type projects_aggregated_count {
id: Int
sort: Int
user_created: Int
date_created: Int
user_updated: Int
date_updated: Int
text: Int
type projects_aggregated_fields {
sort: Float
type projects_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: projects
type todos {
id: ID!
user_created(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
date_created: Date
date_created_func: datetime_functions
user_updated(filter: directus_users_filter, sort: [String], limit: Int, offset: Int, page: Int, search: String): directus_users
date_updated: Date
date_updated_func: datetime_functions
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
enddate: Date
enddate_func: datetime_functions
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
task: String
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
type: String
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
type todos_aggregated {
group: JSON
countAll: Int
count: todos_aggregated_count
countDistinct: todos_aggregated_count
type todos_aggregated_count {
id: Int
user_created: Int
date_created: Int
user_updated: Int
date_updated: Int
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
enddate: Int
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
task: Int
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
type: Int
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
type todos_mutated {
key: ID!
event: EventEnum
data: todos
2023-09-06 20:01:39 +02:00
input bookmarks_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
status: string_filter_operators
sort: number_filter_operators
user_created: directus_users_filter
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
user_updated: directus_users_filter
date_updated: date_filter_operators
date_updated_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
url: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
tags: string_filter_operators
tags_func: count_function_filter_operators
_and: [bookmarks_filter]
_or: [bookmarks_filter]
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
input boolean_filter_operators {
_eq: Boolean
_neq: Boolean
_null: Boolean
_nnull: Boolean
input count_function_filter_operators {
count: number_filter_operators
2023-09-06 20:01:39 +02:00
input create_bookmarks_input {
id: ID
status: String
sort: Int
user_created: create_directus_users_input
date_created: Date
user_updated: create_directus_users_input
date_updated: Date
url: String
name: String
tags: JSON
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
input create_directus_files_input {
id: ID
storage: String!
filename_disk: String
filename_download: String!
title: String
type: String
folder: create_directus_folders_input
uploaded_by: create_directus_users_input
uploaded_on: Date
modified_by: create_directus_users_input
modified_on: Date
charset: String
filesize: GraphQLBigInt
width: Int
height: Int
duration: Int
embed: String
description: String
location: String
tags: JSON
metadata: JSON
input create_directus_folders_input {
id: ID
name: String!
parent: create_directus_folders_input
input create_directus_roles_input {
id: ID
name: String!
icon: String
description: String
ip_access: [String]
enforce_tfa: Boolean!
admin_access: Boolean!
app_access: Boolean
users: [create_directus_users_input]
input create_directus_users_input {
id: ID
first_name: String
last_name: String
email: String
password: Hash
location: String
title: String
description: String
tags: JSON
avatar: create_directus_files_input
language: String
theme: String
tfa_secret: Hash
status: String
role: create_directus_roles_input
token: Hash
last_access: Date
last_page: String
provider: String
external_identifier: String
auth_data: JSON
email_notifications: Boolean
input create_projects_input {
id: ID
sort: Int
user_created: create_directus_users_input
date_created: Date
user_updated: create_directus_users_input
date_updated: Date
text: String
input create_todos_input {
id: ID
user_created: create_directus_users_input
date_created: Date
user_updated: create_directus_users_input
date_updated: Date
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
enddate: Date
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
task: String
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
type: String
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
input date_filter_operators {
_eq: String
_neq: String
_gt: String
_gte: String
_lt: String
_lte: String
_null: Boolean
_nnull: Boolean
_in: [String]
_nin: [String]
_between: [GraphQLStringOrFloat]
_nbetween: [GraphQLStringOrFloat]
input datetime_function_filter_operators {
year: number_filter_operators
month: number_filter_operators
week: number_filter_operators
day: number_filter_operators
weekday: number_filter_operators
hour: number_filter_operators
minute: number_filter_operators
second: number_filter_operators
input directus_activity_filter {
id: number_filter_operators
action: string_filter_operators
user: directus_users_filter
timestamp: date_filter_operators
timestamp_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
ip: string_filter_operators
user_agent: string_filter_operators
collection: string_filter_operators
item: string_filter_operators
comment: string_filter_operators
origin: string_filter_operators
revisions: directus_revisions_filter
revisions_func: count_function_filter_operators
_and: [directus_activity_filter]
_or: [directus_activity_filter]
input directus_dashboards_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
icon: string_filter_operators
note: string_filter_operators
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
user_created: directus_users_filter
color: string_filter_operators
panels: directus_panels_filter
panels_func: count_function_filter_operators
_and: [directus_dashboards_filter]
_or: [directus_dashboards_filter]
input directus_files_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
storage: string_filter_operators
filename_disk: string_filter_operators
filename_download: string_filter_operators
title: string_filter_operators
type: string_filter_operators
folder: directus_folders_filter
uploaded_by: directus_users_filter
uploaded_on: date_filter_operators
uploaded_on_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
modified_by: directus_users_filter
modified_on: date_filter_operators
modified_on_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
charset: string_filter_operators
filesize: number_filter_operators
width: number_filter_operators
height: number_filter_operators
duration: number_filter_operators
embed: string_filter_operators
description: string_filter_operators
location: string_filter_operators
tags: string_filter_operators
tags_func: count_function_filter_operators
metadata: string_filter_operators
metadata_func: count_function_filter_operators
_and: [directus_files_filter]
_or: [directus_files_filter]
input directus_flows_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
icon: string_filter_operators
color: string_filter_operators
description: string_filter_operators
status: string_filter_operators
trigger: string_filter_operators
accountability: string_filter_operators
options: string_filter_operators
options_func: count_function_filter_operators
operation: directus_operations_filter
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
user_created: directus_users_filter
operations: directus_operations_filter
operations_func: count_function_filter_operators
_and: [directus_flows_filter]
_or: [directus_flows_filter]
input directus_folders_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
parent: directus_folders_filter
_and: [directus_folders_filter]
_or: [directus_folders_filter]
input directus_operations_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
key: string_filter_operators
type: string_filter_operators
position_x: number_filter_operators
position_y: number_filter_operators
options: string_filter_operators
options_func: count_function_filter_operators
resolve: directus_operations_filter
reject: directus_operations_filter
flow: directus_flows_filter
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
user_created: directus_users_filter
_and: [directus_operations_filter]
_or: [directus_operations_filter]
input directus_panels_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
dashboard: directus_dashboards_filter
name: string_filter_operators
icon: string_filter_operators
color: string_filter_operators
show_header: boolean_filter_operators
note: string_filter_operators
type: string_filter_operators
position_x: number_filter_operators
position_y: number_filter_operators
width: number_filter_operators
height: number_filter_operators
options: string_filter_operators
options_func: count_function_filter_operators
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
user_created: directus_users_filter
_and: [directus_panels_filter]
_or: [directus_panels_filter]
input directus_revisions_filter {
id: number_filter_operators
activity: directus_activity_filter
collection: string_filter_operators
item: string_filter_operators
data: string_filter_operators
data_func: count_function_filter_operators
delta: string_filter_operators
delta_func: count_function_filter_operators
parent: directus_revisions_filter
_and: [directus_revisions_filter]
_or: [directus_revisions_filter]
input directus_roles_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
name: string_filter_operators
icon: string_filter_operators
description: string_filter_operators
ip_access: string_filter_operators
enforce_tfa: boolean_filter_operators
admin_access: boolean_filter_operators
app_access: boolean_filter_operators
users: directus_users_filter
users_func: count_function_filter_operators
_and: [directus_roles_filter]
_or: [directus_roles_filter]
input directus_users_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
first_name: string_filter_operators
last_name: string_filter_operators
email: string_filter_operators
password: hash_filter_operators
location: string_filter_operators
title: string_filter_operators
description: string_filter_operators
tags: string_filter_operators
tags_func: count_function_filter_operators
avatar: directus_files_filter
language: string_filter_operators
theme: string_filter_operators
tfa_secret: hash_filter_operators
status: string_filter_operators
role: directus_roles_filter
token: hash_filter_operators
last_access: date_filter_operators
last_access_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
last_page: string_filter_operators
provider: string_filter_operators
external_identifier: string_filter_operators
auth_data: string_filter_operators
auth_data_func: count_function_filter_operators
email_notifications: boolean_filter_operators
_and: [directus_users_filter]
_or: [directus_users_filter]
input hash_filter_operators {
_null: Boolean
_nnull: Boolean
_empty: Boolean
_nempty: Boolean
input number_filter_operators {
_eq: GraphQLStringOrFloat
_neq: GraphQLStringOrFloat
_in: [GraphQLStringOrFloat]
_nin: [GraphQLStringOrFloat]
_gt: GraphQLStringOrFloat
_gte: GraphQLStringOrFloat
_lt: GraphQLStringOrFloat
_lte: GraphQLStringOrFloat
_null: Boolean
_nnull: Boolean
_between: [GraphQLStringOrFloat]
_nbetween: [GraphQLStringOrFloat]
input projects_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
sort: number_filter_operators
user_created: directus_users_filter
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
user_updated: directus_users_filter
date_updated: date_filter_operators
date_updated_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
text: string_filter_operators
_and: [projects_filter]
_or: [projects_filter]
input string_filter_operators {
_eq: String
_neq: String
_contains: String
_icontains: String
_ncontains: String
_starts_with: String
_nstarts_with: String
_istarts_with: String
_nistarts_with: String
_ends_with: String
_nends_with: String
_iends_with: String
_niends_with: String
_in: [String]
_nin: [String]
_null: Boolean
_nnull: Boolean
_empty: Boolean
_nempty: Boolean
input todos_filter {
id: string_filter_operators
user_created: directus_users_filter
date_created: date_filter_operators
date_created_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
user_updated: directus_users_filter
date_updated: date_filter_operators
date_updated_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
enddate: date_filter_operators
enddate_func: datetime_function_filter_operators
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
task: string_filter_operators
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
type: string_filter_operators
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
_and: [todos_filter]
_or: [todos_filter]
2023-09-06 20:01:39 +02:00
input update_bookmarks_input {
id: ID
status: String
sort: Int
user_created: update_directus_users_input
date_created: Date
user_updated: update_directus_users_input
date_updated: Date
url: String
name: String
tags: JSON
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
input update_directus_files_input {
id: ID
storage: String
filename_disk: String
filename_download: String
title: String
type: String
folder: update_directus_folders_input
uploaded_by: update_directus_users_input
uploaded_on: Date
modified_by: update_directus_users_input
modified_on: Date
charset: String
filesize: GraphQLBigInt
width: Int
height: Int
duration: Int
embed: String
description: String
location: String
tags: JSON
metadata: JSON
input update_directus_folders_input {
id: ID
name: String
parent: update_directus_folders_input
input update_directus_roles_input {
id: ID
name: String
icon: String
description: String
ip_access: [String]
enforce_tfa: Boolean
admin_access: Boolean
app_access: Boolean
users: [update_directus_users_input]
input update_directus_users_input {
id: ID
first_name: String
last_name: String
email: String
password: Hash
location: String
title: String
description: String
tags: JSON
avatar: update_directus_files_input
language: String
theme: String
tfa_secret: Hash
status: String
role: update_directus_roles_input
token: Hash
last_access: Date
last_page: String
provider: String
external_identifier: String
auth_data: JSON
email_notifications: Boolean
input update_projects_input {
id: ID
sort: Int
user_created: update_directus_users_input
date_created: Date
user_updated: update_directus_users_input
date_updated: Date
text: String
input update_todos_input {
id: ID
user_created: update_directus_users_input
date_created: Date
user_updated: update_directus_users_input
date_updated: Date
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
enddate: Date
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00
task: String
2023-09-21 20:45:49 +02:00
type: String
2023-08-25 09:45:46 +02:00