# PKP x Google OAuth Web Example 🪢 This is an example web app that shows how you can mint and use programmable key pairs (PKPs) with just Google account. With PKPs, you can build distributed and customizable MPC wallets. Learn more about PKPs [here](https://developer.litprotocol.com/pkp/wallets/intro). Check out the [live demo](https://pkp-social-auth-example.vercel.app/). ## 💻 Getting Started 1. Clone this repo and install dependencies: ```bash git clone git@github.com:LIT-Protocol/pkp-social-auth-example.git cd pkp-social-auth-example yarn install ``` 2. Start your development server: ```bash yarn dev ``` 3. Visit [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to start playing with the app.